9453751949, 9454399323 info@helpyounine.com
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Before Registration Read Terms & Conditions carefully with your full consent.

I agree to be solely responsible for any legal harm, financial loss, social or psychological caused to me in the future as a result of my lack of personal knowledge about the Terms and Conditions of the helpyounine.com online helping system by being intentionally or unintentionally misled by another user. I am self-convinced and understand that RR UNIQUE LEGAL SOLUTIONS SYSTEM is not responsible in any way, and it is 100% my personal need and responsibility as a user to fully read and understand the following Terms and Conditions.

1. I understand that any Indian citizen above 18 years of age with a sound mind can associate with this online helping system by registration with My Name, AADHAR Number, mobile number, bank detail & UPI and Referral code which cannot be change. Any updation will be done by RR UNIQUE LEGAL SOLUTIONS SYSTEM as per request & charge will be Rs.108/- only including GST.

2. A latest smart phone is must be use by the user with proper mobile network.RR UNIQUE LEGAL SOLUTIONS SYSTEM is not reponsible for any problem causes due to network issue.

3. I understand that the users associated with helpyounine.com online helping system must update their complete KYC with receiving Rs 10,000 (ten thousand only) as "Receive Help" by others, and if they do not update KYC they will not be eligible for receiving any " Help " and his/her helpline account will be stopped & blocked.

4. I hereby declare that the SMC (System Maintance Charges) that I pay time to time to the RR UNIQUE LEGAL HELP SOLUTION SYSTEM as per chart that I use to financially help other 9 persons will receive through my own efforts and ownership not through terrorism, treason, extortion, theft or any other criminal or illegal activity.

5. With the conviction that it is my social responsibility to help those in financial need in the society, I am ready to provide unconditional direct financial help to the users who have registered and cooperated with helpyounine.com online helping system.

6. Once a user registered on the helpyounine.com online helping system and provides direct financial help to at least three other users, the system provides the opportunity to receive direct financial help from other user To achieve this, I must collaborate with the associated user Within 18 days of registration, I am required to invite at least two users to join the helpyounine.com online helping system using my invitation link. If this is not possible, I may apply to the company to deactivate my usership. I have read, understood, and hereby accept and agree that my usership may be deactivated to ensure the smooth functioning of the helpyounine.com online helping system..

7.I agree to provide unconditional direct financial help to above nine users who have previously entered the helpyounine.com online helping system and provided unconditional direct financial help, using my personally earned money as per chart. Based on my personal and social conviction that it is my personal and social responsibility to provide direct financial help to 9 users as soon as possible, I hereby declare that I will have provided direct financial help to 9 users through the helpyounine.com Online Helping System, from ₹ 1200 to 90,000 upto Rs.199800. I give a personal pledge and assurance to the nine customers to whom I owe financial help.

 L1 -1200  L4 - 3000 (1000 X 3)  L4 - 30,000 (3000 X 10)
 L2 - 300  L5 - 6000 (1000 X 6)  L6 - 60,000 (3000 X 20)
 L2 - 300  L6 - 9000 (1000 X 9)  L9 - 90,000 (3000 X 30)

8. I also fully understand and comprehend that the way which I will be receiving direct financial help as per the 'receive help chart' is as follows; Thus, from ₹ 1200 to ₹ 6,61,02,000/- in direct financial help from 1022 users can be received in multiple instalments.

Stage No of Persons Helping Amount Per Persons Total Help Per Stage
2 1200 2400
4 300 12,00
8 300 2,400
16 3,000 48,000
32 6,000 1,92,000
64 9,000 5,76,000
128 30,000 38,40,000
256 60,000 1,53,60,000
512 90,000 4,60,80,000
Total Persons 1022 Total Help Recevied 6,61,02,000


9 . I am aware and agree that RR UNIQUE LEGAL SOLUTIONS SYSTEM or the helpyounine.com online helping system will not be held responsible or liable for any mandatory time frame stated by other users or individuals who do not have legal authority to speak for the Company's best interests.

10. I understand that a user who has directly financially helped only three users may unconditionally directly financially help the remaining six users with financial help received directly from other users.

11. When a user who remains active on the helpyounine.com online helping system does not get the support and assistance to continue working with other users within his 9 stages, this user can take the option of mutual transfer to cooperate with the highly performing user In case of mutual transfer, the user giving the mutual transfer request can transfer this usership to each other with the consent of another user who is not currently active on the system. Mutual transfer will be done only in such situations.

12. I fully understand and agree that misusing or misinterpreting the concept, honesty, or transparency of helpyounine.com online helping system's terms and conditions and using them to mislead the public is illegal, and helpyounine.com online helping system RR UNIQUE LEGAL SOLUTIONS SYSTEM will pursue legal action against those who do so.

13. I am also aware that the password I use on the helpyounine.com online helping system is strictly personal and should not be shared with other users or individuals. I understand and agree that I will be solely liable for any damages or legal proceedings incurred by the company or individuals if the password to be kept very private on the helpyounine.com online helping system is disclosed to other users/individuals. I agree that I shall be solely responsible for all financial liability, damages and legal proceedings that may be incurred by me, the Company or any other person, and that the Company shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for any financial loss is caused by the access of this password to other persons.I understand that the system does not allow asking another user/person for the usership password of any user on the helpyounine.com online helping system, nor does it authorise giving the password to the asked user/person in any way or any reason.

14. I acknowledge and agree that if helpyounine.com online helping system/ RR UNIQUE LEGAL SOLUTIONS SYSTEM company is convinced that any user of helpyounine.com online helping system is acting against the system or against society, or engaging in criminal activity, the system or the Company have the authority to terminate that persons' usership and ban him or her from the system for life.

15. I comprehensively understand and agree that, if the system/Company is convinced that I am promoting another idea or business using the contact information of other users I got from helpyounine.com online helping system, helpyounine.com online helping system/ RR UNIQUE LEGAL SOLUTIONS SYSTEM has full authority to revoke my usership and remove me from the system without further notice.

16. If the company or the system is convinced on the basis of evidence that the users on helpyounine.com online helping system has deliberately violated the TERMS & CONDITIONS of the Company/system, mislead other users or misrepresent the concept of the system I agree that, Company or the system shall have full authority and rights to transfer the usership as Punishment Transfer to another person without the consent of the user who has violated the above provisions.

17. I personally hereby solemnly certify that I shall be solely responsible for all damages and legal proceedings that may arise if I act contrary to the TERMS AND CONDITIONS and shall not involve helpyounine.com online helping system or RR UNIQUE LEGAL SOLUTIONS SYSTEM company in any legal issues.

18. I personally understand that if I remain unwilling to work on helpyounine.com online helping system, for smooth operations of other users the request to deactivate my usership can be given to the company only by the 9 users whom I give " Give help". A user can only submit a request to the Company for deactivating users who are in the 9 stages of his "Receive help chart".

19. In case of re-activation of my deactivated usership on helpyounine.com online helping system I am bound to provide any UPI transaction history/screenshot/bank statement in case the user/Company asks for any proof of financial help provided by me and otherwise , I accept and confirm that I am personally obliged to give the "give help".

20. I understand that as part of promoting the concept of Digital India, the users of the system shall provide and receive direct financial help only through UPI/NEFT transaction and not through Direct Deposit, Cheque, DD, etc.

21. To ensure (confirm) receipt of financial help received directly from other users from the date of commencement of usership on helpyounine.com online helping system, knowing that if I intentionally neglect or fail to receive help within three days, it may cause obstacles for giving and receiving financial help and at times may threaten their life and livelihood. I hereby voluntarily certify and agree and grant helpyounine.com online helping system full authority and rights to transfer the usership in my name to another person without my consent.

22. I clearly understand that the unconditional direct financial help given by users on helpyounine.com online helping system shall be done only through UPI transactions which are part of 100% Digital India.

23. helpyounine.com online helping system / RR UNIQUE LEGAL SOLUTIONS SYSTEM Company's official social media such as Facebook page, Facebook group, YouTube channel, and Telegram groups created from the Company's official mobile numbers on a State as well as District basis consist of the officials of the company. The system takes sole responsibility for the announcements, promotions and statements made in these official groups. RR UNIQUE LEGAL SOLUTIONS SYSTEM /helpyounine.com online helping system shall not be held responsible or liable in any way for any announcements, promotions or statements made on social media by other users, individuals, or those who spread slander against the system.

24. I acknowledge that it is my personal duty and responsibility to pay taxes, and I do it in order to support the growth of the Nation.

25. I understand that helpyounine.com online helping system or RR UNIQUE LEGAL SOLUTIONS SYSTEM company will personally take legal action against users / individuals who act against the Concept, honesty, transparency and Terms and Conditions of helpyounine.com online helping system.

26. If women associated with helpyounine.com online helping system are personally, socially, insulted, humiliated or interfered with through online media, such acts are brought to the notice of helpyounine.com online helping system and will be forwarded to investigative agencies on the basis of evidence. I understand RR UNIQUE LEGAL SOLUTIONS SYSTEM has the authority to take legal action in this regard.

27. To improve the users' financial prosperity or for the betterment of the activities related to helpyounine.com online helping system relevant changes, amendments and additions are made to helpyounine.com online helping system rules of administration, terms and conditions, guidelines and applications. I personally understand, accept and agree that RR UNIQUE LEGAL SOLUTIONS SYSTEM reserves absolute rights and I am bound by the same. I have read, understood, and agreed to all of the Terms and Conditions listed above, including numbers 1 through 27, and I hereby sign and confirm my agreement.

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